Vegas Recap: Late Flights, Full Days, and Big Results

October 22, 2024

Our team of nine headed to Vegas with high expectations, a clear plan, and some packed schedules. Of course, Vegas being what it is, things didn’t go exactly as planned. Srđan Blažević had a solo flight that got canceled, so he ended up arriving a day late. It threw a slight wrench into things, but we rolled with it. It’s Vegas, after all—adaptation is part of the game.

From the moment we set foot on the convention floor, client interest in our solutions was strong. With several fruitful conversations, we’re optimistic about potential collaborations with six solid leads. It’s always rewarding when hard work pays off in tangible connections. Aleksandra, in her usual high-energy fashion, manned the front desk all day—wearing heels, no less. Srđan Todorović and Aleksandra were tireless throughout the trip, making sure we didn’t miss a beat, even if it meant very little sleep. Meanwhile, the rest of the team put in equal amounts of dedication, whether on the expo floor, answering questions, or diving into meetings with potential clients. Everyone pulled their weight and made sure the booth ran smoothly.

As for the food... Let’s just say, we’ve had our fill of oversized burgers and greasy meals to last us a while. Vegas portions are no joke. By the last day, everyone was running on fumes, but we still managed to squeeze in a visit to the circus before heading home. Was it exhausting? Absolutely. Was it worth it? Without a doubt. With a mix of business, late-night parties hosted by clients, and some classic Vegas experiences, the trip was everything we expected and more. Now, it’s time to take those leads and turn them into something bigger.

Any questions? Don’t hesitate to ask.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're always here to help. Contact us anytime for assistance.

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